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How to Buy a Bodhran

A bodhran is an Irish frame drum with a goat skin head. It is played using a special stick known as a tipper and remains one of the most beloved instruments in Irish music today.

When purchasing a bodhran, be sure to get one that can be tuned easily – non-tunable ones may feature inconsistent pitches that make playing them challenging.


If you are considering purchasing a bodhran, make sure it fits comfortably in your hand and select one with bars at the correct distance from your skin to produce an array of tones.

Bodhrans come in various sizes, each producing its own distinct sound. Larger drums usually produce deeper and louder tones while smaller ones offer a more compact experience; however, size should never determine its sound.

Christian Hedwitschak crafted this 14 inch frame bodhran with 6 inch depth. Perfect for petite and traveling players alike, its range of tones provides ample variety while remaining easily playable. Also featured are Lambeg or Vellum goatskin options to allow for tuning adjustments easily.


Bodhrans are drums made from stretched goat skin that has been treated, stretched over a circular wooden frame and decorated with swirling Celtic spirals, GAA county colors or family coats of arms for decoration. Adding decorative paint does not change its sound quality in any way.

Most bodhrans feature goat skin, though others utilize calf or greyhound hides instead. Each model can come with various thicknesses; thicker ones take longer to break in. Regular conditioning treatments will keep the instrument soft while reducing punctures or tears that might occur over time.

Some players use dubbin or Lexol on the skin of their bodhran to soften it, however this method can make its sound uninvitingly harsh and lose its distinctive warm sound. A tuneable bodhran offers an ideal solution to this dilemma as users can adjust skin tension with no hassle required by tuning it accordingly.


Roosebeck 18 inch Bodhran is an ideal option for beginners. Its large size provides more room to move your hand around the frame drum, offering a variety of tones. Furthermore, this model comes equipped with an internal tuning system and cross bar to assist pitch bending.

Bodhrans can come equipped with either one bar, T-bars, or none at all. Your choice of bar will influence its sound – too close can restrict movement while too far will produce duller tones – this decision is especially crucial for novice players, and selecting an optimal bar can help achieve precision and consistency when playing your bodhran.

Tuning system

The best bodhrans feature an easy-to-use tuning system. This enables players to quickly and effortlessly adjust head tension without having to take it to a specialist, or use a tuning stick. Many players find this more efficient.

Innovative bodhran players such as Sean O’Raida, Mel Mercier, Johnny McDonagh and John Joe Kelly have played an essential part in shaping the instrument’s development over the years. Their playing techniques have broadened its musical scope while setting an enduring standard for this instrument.

This bodhran is an excellent option for both novice and seasoned players. Its innovative design enables users to adjust the skin-to-bar distance and feature direct hand pressure for pitch bending techniques.


If you’re considering purchasing a bodhran, make sure that it comes from a source familiar with Celtic music. A typical music store won’t do, since their stock will contain lower quality instruments among electric guitars and drum kits; to find one at its best value online or from local makers is recommended.

A Bodhran is a traditional Irish frame drum which can either be tuned or non-tuneable, with deep or shallow rims, goat skin or synthetic heads, fixed or portable attachment options and capable of producing complex rhythms when played by an expert player.

Lambeg or Vellum skin can be used on the Bodhran to produce its sound; Vellum was traditionally used by ancient Irish monks when crafting ancient Irish manuscripts like The Book of Kells. Selecting the appropriate skin is crucial for producing quality sound from your Bodhran.

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