
Where to Buy a Bodhran

buy bodhran

A bodhran is one of the easiest musical instruments to pick up, making it highly rewarding for beginners. However, you need to know what features to look out for when buying one.

Purchase a bodhran from a store that understands Celtic music, avoiding those that sell synthetic heads or non-tunable drums.

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The Bodhran is an Irish frame drum which can be played using either a beater or stick, with its signature goat skin head (although synthetic, kangaroo or other animal heads are sometimes also used) being attached to its wooden frame. Although believed to have been invented more recently by Sean O Riada (though some say otherwise), it has since become an integral part of Irish music and culture.

Finding new bodhrans for sale worldwide can be easy, particularly in Ireland. They can be bought from local music shops or online. Unfortunately, finding quality ones may prove more challenging – many sold on eBay and similar websites feature cheaply painted models that cannot be tuned. Amazon may be your best bet when searching for an adjustable bodhran for sale.


The Bodhran is one of Ireland’s most beloved traditional instruments, consisting of a flat drum made with a round frame covered by goatskin stretched over it, secured to it via crossed wooden bars on either side.

Though bodhran can be played bare-handed, most players employ a beater called a cipin for more efficient playing. The cipin can either be held directly over both ends in Kerry style, or with one end only above the head (top-end style).

The Bodhran has been around since centuries ago, but it only really took off as a musical instrument during the Irish folk revival in the 1960s. Since then, its popularity has spread and now it can be found across multiple musical styles; various players now employ multiple styles when playing it and it continues to develop further today.

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