
Buy a McNeela Bodhran

If a bodhran is located among electric guitars and saxophones in a store, it’s highly unlikely they have an understanding of Celtic music. Therefore, it would be prudent to purchase from an establishment which specialises in them instead.

Our 18” Tuneable McNeela Bodhran is a quality instrument that will help you advance your musical skills. Choose Vellum goatskin or Lambeg skin for varied tones and responsiveness to the beater.

The Wave

The Wave is an ideal option for those seeking to advance their bodhran playing to the next level. Featuring an undulating rim that lets you fully exploit goatskin’s unique properties and incredible tonal range.

This drum features premium natural rawhide goat skin on a 13″ Keller cylinder frame for optimal playing comfort and tone range.

This drum features a unique brush beater designed with ergonomic grips secured together by electrical tape to give a firm grasp and can also feature an adjustable bottom ring to change its sound and tone. Perfect for both reels and jigs.

The Signature

The Signature Irish Bodhran is an outstanding beginner and intermediate player instrument, featuring a deep rim and high quality Lambeg goatskin leather for optimal playback. Come join in your musical journey!

Our 8 point hand tuning system on the Signature allows for swift and discrete adjustment of your bodhran in any playing condition, quickly and discreetly. Offering a range of tonal choices to accommodate anything from intimate session spaces to full resonating bass concert settings.

Gently buff the skin of your bodhran using a soft, lint-free cloth until its surface is no longer sticky, to maintain its shape and provide optimal sound production. Our blog contains more information on this process as well as tips and tricks on playing your bodhran well.

Free Online Bodhran Lessons with Ronan O Snodaigh

If you’re new to bodhran playing, these beginner-friendly lessons from one of Ireland’s legendary bodhran players will get your started on the right foot. Cover all fundamentals from start to finish – after some practice you’ll soon be accompanying traditional Irish music with ease!

As the first step of learning the bodhran instrument, you need to know its name: it is pronounced ‘bow-rawn’ with the first syllable sounding similar to “Wow!” while its second is rolled R’s. Pronunciation is especially crucial if you wish to play correctly.

Next, you will require an excellent bodhran. Our McNeela Performance Bodhran is made of hand cured goat skin that has been treated carefully before being coated with an additional layer of acoustic wood for deep resonance and is light enough to play comfortably; its T-bar arm cut-out also makes playing easier than other models on our range and comes complete with both a beater and gig-bag included in its price.

Shop the full range of McNeela Bodhrans

Tunable bodhrans provide players with an incredible versatility when it comes to tuning quickly and responding to performance needs. They allow subtle accompaniment in quieter session spaces as well as full, resonating bass sounds in concert settings.

McNeela 14 inch rim size provides comfortable playing experience to petite and younger players while maintaining its signature lush bass sound. T-bar and arm cut outs also enhance playing comfort.

McNeela drums offer something for all levels of experience – whether that be complete beginners or seasoned pros alike! Choose from our wide range of tuneable and non tunable bodhrans. Don’t forget your free online lessons with Ronan O Snodaigh too – these exclusive lessons cover traditional Irish dance beat timing, skin tuning tuning and accompanying traditional Irish music sessions; guaranteeing to speed up your progress!

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