Music Classes

Bodhran Sale – Buying a Bodhran

bodhran sale

A skilled bodhran player can bring an Irish traditional music session alive; on the other hand, an inferior drum may derail it entirely.

A well-made bodhran should produce a full and deep sound with an expressive low tone, and adding weighted edges (black tape works great!) to the skin can assist in producing this tone.


The Bodhran is an Irish frame drum designed for beginners. Known for its diverse tones and various sizes that can be tuned according to individual taste, this instrument also boasts traditional designs on its drumhead for an authentic appearance.

When purchasing your first bodhran, bring along someone familiar with playing to help choose an instrument tailored specifically to your needs and price point. Ask the maker which drum they have available that’s most affordable or ask about their most reasonably-priced drum model.

Willow-frame bodhrans that offer good value come in eight, 12 and 18 inch diameters with depths ranging between three and eight inches. These smaller drums produce less sound and have quieter voices. It is best to avoid those equipped with interior tuners requiring a hex wrench; alternatively opt for thumb wheel tuners which offer easier operation.


The Bodhran is an Irish frame drum with one single-headed drumhead that evolved from tambourines. This instrument is widely played across Irish sessions and can be played using sticks, bones (known as tippers), hands or any combination thereof – it truly adds something special! The Bodhran plays an essential part in Irish sessions and can really enliven music sessions!

A bodhran is a bass drum which must produce a deep and melodious tone for use during local celebrations of Saint Brigid’s Day (La Fheile Bride) on 1 February.

Our bodhrans are hand crafted using premium goatskin and come complete with a reusable bag and traditional style tipper, along with an assortment of sizes to meet all levels of playback. We offer two models, with the McNeela Signature Bodhran offering strong resonance, depth of tone, rich bass sound quality. Both options include Lambeg or Vellum skin for customization to suit different playing styles and players of different levels of experience.


The best bodhrans are constructed from quality goat skin over a wooden frame and can come in various sizes; their diameter and depth have an effect on sound production; for instance, shallower ones will produce more traditional tones while deeper ones produce deeper bassy tones.

Another important element to consider is tension. An ideal bodhran should have enough tension to sustain a high pitch without flapping when warm or cold temperatures fluctuate, be easily tunable and without paint or decals that alter its tone or hamper playability – be wary of such drums!

The Bodhran is an integral component of Irish folk music. This ancient Celtic percussion instrument boasts an extensive heritage, yet remains popular today among musicians both classical and contemporary alike. Additionally, its sound lends itself perfectly to cinematic compositions or folk-influenced electronic compositions.


Price range for entry-level bodhrans can range from around $100 for an entry-level instrument up to over $800 for professional-quality instruments, depending on size, quality and head material used – synthetic heads tend to sound better but this difference may not be noticeable to an untrained ear.

If possible, opt for a bodhran with a natural head instead of one made of synthetic material. While its cost might be slightly more, its wide array of tones makes up for it and will outlive synthetic counterparts over time.

Avoid purchasing bodhrans with corporate logos, cutesy Celtic art, or beer ads painted on the head; these will alter the sound and may damage it when played often. Deep rimmed drums may produce muddy-sounding drums; for best results use an interior tuning system that is straightforward and user friendly.

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