Irish Music

How to Buy a Bodhran

When purchasing a bodhran, there are various factors to keep in mind. First and foremost is budget; next you should determine your playing style; finally consider skin quality and whether or not the instrument can be tuned.

An ideal bodhran should have an appealing sound and be easy for you to play.


An investment in a bodhran can help expand your percussive skills and introduce Irish folk music. It is a frame drum played either with the hand or using a tipper; producing quality deep tones and adding another instrument to your musical arsenal.

Waltons offers an impressive range of bodhrans, from tunable models and gift packs to lightweight 14″ models with goat skin drum heads and hardwood shells – such as the Rooseback BTN4MT Bodhran with no cross bar for easy hand playback. Additionally, this Bodhran can also be tunable and easy to play; making it ideal for beginners looking for their first instrument!

Serious shoppers should opt for professional grade instruments. The Ultimate Rosewood 16″ Deep-Rim Performance Bodhran set comes equipped with a tuneable drum, carrying bag, and access to Ronan O Snodaigh’s online bodhran course. This professional grade drum features superior sound quality as well as its extra deep rim that provides power and sustain.


If you’re interested in exploring a new instrument, a bodhran may be just what’s needed to start learning a new instrument. This frame drum can be played either barehanded or with sticks, producing various tones depending on where your hand enters the drum. Furthermore, its versatility allows for different tones by changing beater sizes or by placing different hands inside its surface.

Remo’s Bodhran is an ideal option for beginning players as it’s user-friendly. Bodhrans made by Remo are renowned in the percussion industry; its synthetic drumhead produces great sound while remaining reasonably durable; no crossbar required means it makes for an affordable way to play the bodhran while offering multiple tuning options and endorsers such as Louie Bellson and Buddy Rich can vouch for its quality!


The Bodhran is an Irish drum that can be played across various styles of music, providing an engaging challenge for musicians of any background and experience level. Beginning players may benefit from viewing tutorial videos from professional bodhran players to understand its basics of use.

The skin of a drum plays a central role in its sound timbre and may be constructed of various materials like goatskin or synthetic skin. Bodhrans can also be fitted with optional support bars that adjust tone timbre; these may take the form of single bars, T-bars or cross bars; beginners typically find single or T-bar support more conducive to hand movement than cross bars.

Another key consideration when purchasing a bodhran is the thickness of its skin. Thicker skins tend to produce stronger tones. Since tension may fluctuate depending on temperature fluctuations, regular tuning should be performed to maintain optimal quality and sound performance.


The bodhran is an instrument with a straightforward construction; however, its sound and playability may differ considerably depending on its quality and construction material. Bodhrans may feature goatskin drumheads or synthetic leather covers and can be tuned mechanically or electronically; to get optimal sound it is essential that high-quality drums produce great sounds – any drum with paint or transfer decals may alter its voice and ruin its voice altogether!

When selecting a bodhran, its height and depth should be taken into account as this can have an enormous effect on its tone. Furthermore, selecting one with goatskin skin – traditionally preferred – but other materials like kangaroo or greyhound skin can also be used.

Make sure your chosen bodhran features optional support bars – these could include T bars, cross bars or single bars – but be wary if any are too close to your head – otherwise this will restrict hand movement.

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