Irish Music

Bodhran Sale

bodhran sale

Ireland is famous for many things, from food and witty folk music, to its matchless music. One distinctive aspect that sets Irish culture apart from others in Europe is the use of the bodhran drum during Irish musical sessions.

A bodhran is a single-headed frame drum made of animal skin (typically goatskin) attached to either a wooden or steel frame and played with an instrument known as a beater/tippper stick.

Chiff and Fipple

Chiff and Fipple is an expansive online Irish music forum focusing on the tin whistle and flute; however, there’s also plenty of discussion regarding other Irish instruments, such as the bodhran. Bodhrans often appear for sale there too!

Although many of the bodhrans for sale at this site are of the inexpensive painted variety, there are some high quality drums available from Metloef Irish Drums and Seamus O’Kane that may be more suitable. Walton’s also makes some affordable tunable bodhrans which make great additions. Furthermore, this website serves as an invaluable source of information on bodhran history, musical use and performances through discussions that make navigation simple – another plus point!

The Session

The Session is an incredible event for musicians. Organisers bring in top musicians for performances of their music followed by a Q&A. This provides musicians an incredible opportunity to gain some business advice.

As far as Irish traditional music goes, I find the bodhran to be an integral component. Capable of producing intricate rhythms that add energy and vibrancy, its rich tone adds another dimension that lifts music sessions. Unfortunately, though, some tend to use their bodhran for showboating purposes instead of supporting melody players – this can become distracting to other melody players and does nothing for the session overall. My advice would be to play quietly behind melody players so everyone can enjoy themselves and enjoy themselves without distraction or showboating. This way everyone can fully experience music sessions!


Though a relatively modern invention, the bodhran has quickly found a place in Irish traditional music. Many Irish traditional musicians enjoy playing their bodhrans alongside flutes or whistles – it also serves as an ideal starting instrument for beginners!

The Bodhran is a frame drum from Ireland made of goat skin and wooden construction, designed to serve both as a drum and percussion instrument. Inspired by tambourines, its design makes for an easy drum or percussion instrument.

While bodhrans may be harder to come by than other instruments, good ones are readily available. Many bodhran makers offer their drums online – including Paraic McNeela, Metloef Irish Drums and Seamus O’Kane – or from large online retailers such as Amazon.


As with their brownie counterparts, mischievous, prank-playing fairies who can often be found performing household tasks while their family sleeps are known as House Flies. As they can also shapeshift easily into dwarf or goblin form they may easily be mistaken for dwarf or goblin figures. Similar to many fairy folk they are easily upset or offended if someone wears new clothing; similarly they could become incensed at any attempts made at giving them gifts or presents.

Stern and Romita’s methodical buildup of Hobgoblin mystery was an exceptional piece of suspenseful storytelling; therefore, their departure left their story incomplete in Amazing Spider-Man #250. Once that issue was out of their hands, Tom DeFalco took over writing duties, who naturally tied in his gangster arc with Hobgoblin’s reveal.

Bodhran Makers

A bodhran is at the core of any Irish music session, offering beginners an easy path into Irish music. Additionally, its versatility means it serves as an excellent transitional instrument between more complex instruments like flute and fiddle.

A bodhran is a round wooden frame drum equipped with a goat skin head tacked to one side and an open end, designed for playing using an unconventional beater stick known as a beater, tipper or cipin.

There are various bodhran types, such as single bars, T-bars and crossbars. Single bar models produce sounds most similar to that of a bass drum while T-bar models produce deeper, richer tones; depth can also have an impactful impact.

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